Times change fast, life today is not what it was even 30 years ago. The classroom is no different. Students today come in with very different skills than they had even in the early 1990's.



App of the Month

App of the Month Logo.jpg

This month's app is a must have for educators and students alike. It is called Explain Everything, a whiteboard app that is the swiss army knife of apps!

Monthly Contest

Enter our monthly contest for a chance to win gift cards than can help you buy more apps or technology tools. All you have to do is submit one or two student samples from a tech project you tried from TechItUpEDU!

Brainstorming and Questioning

A saying in our classrooms from day one is "More heads are better than one." With that in mind, here is a place where you can ask questions about projects or simply ask for ideas about a project you are attempting. Hopefully we can add to your thoughts and help you and your students learn and engage with the content in the best way possible!



"Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important.”    - Bill Gates

Photo by mikyso/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by mikyso/iStock / Getty Images