1st Grade
The big jump! 1st grade is often thought of as a transition time for students, as they move from a more enclosed kinder life to being part of a much larger school community. It also marks a transition in terms of expectations, as students are expected to do more independently such as read, and are exposed to more challenging tasks and projects. First is a great grade to use technology with. Students can do more than you could imagine; from making movies, to designing and presenting slideshows, to even programming! So don't hold back, you know they won't!
App of the Month
Come check out our App of the Month! Just click the button below to learn more about Explain Everything.
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Essential 1st Grade Apps
Don't forget to enter our monthly contest for a chance to win great gifts such as App Store gift cards that you could use towards these essential apps!
Check it Out!
These are some of the most versatile and useful apps out there. Scroll through and see if you have them all. You can also click on each picture to go to a 1st grade lesson that utilizes that particular app to get you started!
Reviews of Lessons
Summarizing using iMovie
"It was so neat to see the connection between summary writing and movies found in this lesson. My students were truly excited about summarizing, and their motivation allowed them to learn more during this project than they had with other more rote, paper and pencil activities!"
— J.S.